2019 Spirit Award Nomination Form

Created in 2016, the award was given for the first time in 2016 during the fall awards presentation at the December installation of new Board members. The award recognizes the participation of a member who flamboyantly or quietly supports the association by involvement in FAAR events.

The Spirit Award recipient motivates others, through enthusiasm and participation, to attend events. The recipient may serve on a committee or just answers the call for help. The recipient is reliable and shows up!  An eligible recipient can also be a more reserved person who quietly takes on tasks-  transporting props to events, participating in the set-up, tear down and clean up without fanfare.

Do you know such a selfless person? Please consider nominating him or her for the Spirit Award.  

Nomination deadline- October 31, 2019.

Nominator's Name*
Nominator's Company
Nominator's Phone Number
Nominee's Name*
Nominee's Company
Nominee's Designations
List Committee Involvement
Check all the exemplifies the spirit of the nominee
Serves on committee(s) that sponsor events throughout the year
Promotes FAAR events at his/her office
Part of the actual organization and deliver of events
A cheerleader for all things FAAR
Quietly performs the unglamorous functions of an event- hauling props, setting up, taking down, and cleaning up
Displays selfless support of FAAR
List instances of selfless support of FAAR